I was thinking about this topic: Quantifying the amount of luck required to win a tournament And I wondered if there is a way to quantify the relation between skill and final place.
It's seems hard to me to find a way to quantify skill, and how skill influence chips count/win rate/classement.
My idea is to eliminate the influence of skill in chips count/win rate/classement. The model where everyone has the same starting stack and different skill won't give anything. So why not consider a model where everyone has the same skill but different starting stack ?
As skill is not quantifiable, the relation between skill in the first model and stack in the second one is difficult to establish. But maybe we can just make supposition about the distribution of skill/stack.
Can we assume skill is a gaussian distributed variable ? (I don't think so) Can we assume starting stack in the second model would be proportionnal to skill in the first one ? (I don't think so, because of the dynamic of the game). This would lead to a gaussian distributed starting stack in the second model.
Not bothering with the 2 precedent no, can we assume a gaussian distributed starting stack ?
Concerning the simulation, if everyone has the same skill can we assume the gain/loss on each hand to be gaussian ?