assume all scenarios below are 50/100 blind NLHE game
1.The UTG goes all-in for 90, What's the minimum raise for UTG+1?
2.The UTG goes all-in for 120. What's the minimum raise for UTG+1?
3.The UTG goes all-in for 220. What's the minimum raise for UTG+1?
4.If GUT+1 take a legal minimum raise, What's the minimum raise for UTG+2?
5.In scenario 1, UTG+1 raise to 500, UTG+2 all-in 630, UTG+3 call 630, now UTG+1 speak, What's the minimum raise for UTG+1?
6.In scenario 1, UTG+1 raise to 500, UTG+2 all-in 500, UTG+3 call 500, now UTG+1 speak, What's the minimum raise for UTG+1?
..It seem there too many situation that let minimum raise change.
Is there one strong rule to solve all these situations?