At the turn your opponent bet 10 into a pot of 62 so you were getting proper odds to call.
What is scary here is that your opponent was giving you odds to stay in the pot. They may have been on a bigger flush draw. If you have the bigger flush draw you have a chance of stacking them. If you were like 7, 8 and your opponent makes a big bet on the river you have to think about getting away. If you make a flush and the board pairs you may be beat. Still you should have called - in my opinion.
Another way to looks at combined odds is to formulate the null hypothesis. Not hit on turn and river you can multiply.
1 - ( (47-9)/(47) * (46-9)/46) ) = 34.9676%
OR in statistics gets kind of messy so one approach is to flop is to the null hyposis so it becomes an AND. With an AND you can multiply.
It comes out the same as the accepted answer
I actually thought accepted answer wrong until I tested it out
Using pot odds ratio versus % is different.
- Ratio
Odds once you opponent bet 10 into the pot the pot was up to 72
Your pot odds are 72:10
- %
With % you need to add in you bet so your % pot odds is 10(62+10+10) = 12.2%
You want pot % to be less than your card % so you were getting very good odds to call
Ratio to me is easier
Let's look at the ratio to make the flush on the turn alone
9 cards make the flush (13 - 2 (in hand) - 2 (on board))
38 cards don't make the flush (52 - 5 (exposed) - 9 (that make the flush))
Your hand odds are 38:9
Your pot odds are 72:10
72:10 > 48:9
You were getting proper odds just to call turn (let alone the river)
You should have called
Based on the turn alone it would have taken a bet of 20 to price you out
If you consider your odds with two cards to come it would take roughly a pot size bet to price you out. If opponent had gone all in with a pot size bet and you had an ace to the flush you should have called.
Since your bet becomes part of the pot it take more to price someone out than you might guess
Once your hand odds are 1:1 (or better) you cannot be priced out
(pot + bet) / bet is always > 1