I'm trying to find a way to assess how good my postflop hands are in my open source pokerbot. Normal equity calculation certainly gives an indication how good the hands are if we play until the river but I'm looking for a better alternative.
One particular approach I've heard about is to put that equity in relation to the equity that I would have with my postflop range vs. the opponent's postflop range.
It would mean we have the normal equity (let's call it absolute equity
) that gives me the equity of my cards vs. the opponent ranges
Then we have the equity of my postflop range vs. my opponent postflop range (let's call this range equity
Then as a finaly step we would take the relation between the absolute equity vs the range equity (we can call this relative equity
What are your views on that metric? Would there be any merit in using it? If so, under what circumstances?