In my bachelor thesis I am developing a computer player, trying to model the opponent's behaviour, while keeping track of the following features:
- Voluntarily put money into the pot (VPIP)
- Preflop Raise (PFR)
- 3 Bet Frequency
- Call 3 Bet
- Fold 3 Bet
- 4 Bet
- Call 4 Bet
- Fold 4 Bet
Flop, Turn and River:
- Continuation Bet in position
- Continuation Bet out of position
- Continuation Bet ReRaise
- Continuation Bet Raise
- Continuation Bet Call
- Continuation Bet Fold
- Donk Bet in position
- Donk Bet out of position
- Donk Bet ReRaise
- Donk Bet Call
- Donk Bet Fold
- Went to Showdown
- Won Showdown
Now I would like to implement an expert system, which requires expert knowledge from a good player. Unluckily, I am not that good in Heads-up and I could not find any resources on the internet regarding these numbers. I know that if you fold too many times (e.g. folding too many times preflop) you become exploitable to the opponent. My computer bot will try to exploit his opponent as much as possible.
Note: In my game both players have a stack of 50 big blinds.
Which VPIP and PFR values indicate a tight-aggressive, tight-passive, loose-aggressive, loose-passive players? Please answer in a range of values (e.g. tight-passive: VPIP: 0.0-0.2 PFR: 0.0-0.2 and VPIP = PFR)
What about the other key figures? Which range of values is considered optimal?
I would really appreciate a great answer so I can implement my computer player based on your values. I'm also very happy with an external resource indicating me the "optimal" ranges of values.
EDIT: I'm looking for answers which try to give me rough expert values. I have been studying this topic for many hours and I know about nash equilibrium, counterfactual regret minimization etc. All I am asking for is rough estimates of which any sane, good heads-up player would try to be within its ranges. Please do not give me answers like "texas hold'em is not solved" or "this is not possible, because...". Please give me VALUES. I hope I made myself understood. :-)