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5 votes

Does "touching the muck" mean anything in a casino?

I am a floor person for 20 years in Atlantic City, California and Las Vegas and multiple other jurisdictions. This is the most misunderstood rule in public poker: "Touching the muck" literally doesn'...
John Dee's user avatar
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4 votes

What happens when a player announces a check while there is an active bet?

The situation you have described Eve has all options available to her, as you mentioned in item 3 on what she can do, even in a casino. In general unless action changes it is binding, I.E. Bob's bet ...
Grinch91's user avatar
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All in or fold strategy

This all-in or fold play is most likely due to the fact that blind levels were moving fairly quickly for a live tournament. 20 minutes is only enough time to play around 10-15 hands, depending on ...
Clarko's user avatar
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How do you correctly announce a raise in live poker?

Raise to 1500 is the clearest and most unambiguous. You can also just say Raise and put the 1500 chips out there. It's not as good etiquette though as it requires the dealer to count it or potentially ...
William Ross's user avatar
3 votes

Are you allowed to flip coins or roll dice at a casino

Yeah go for it, however a much simpler way of doing it, without having people being very easily able to tell what you are doing would be use a watch. Older book now, but Harrington on Hold'em ...
Grinch91's user avatar
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If someone offers you a large casino chip at a discount should you take them up on the offer?

A hustle is really easy to spot, someone you don't know very well or at all will ask you to do something involving money. Usually something involving a little easy money for you. In the case of the ...
Jon's user avatar
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Bad Etiquette or Smart Poker?

Definitely not bad form in my opinion and I've never seen anyone berated for doing so in the way you described. I also usually do this, for the reasons you have given, and will continue to do so.
3N1GM4's user avatar
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How do you correctly announce a raise in live poker?

The only thing required to make a raise is to put the chips involved in both the call and the raise forward. If you do without an announcement, this needs to be done in a single motion, otherwise you ...
Nij's user avatar
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Does the dealer need to inmediately count the chips after a player goes all-in?

In general no, unless asked the dealer shouldn't touch or count the chips. While not a hard rule or anything from what I can recall, it's better to just wait until asked. Some players like to use ...
Grinch91's user avatar
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Does this shuffle machine allow for all possible shuffles?

While you could use that machine to shuffle for a poker game, I wouldn't think it would be very common. One of its features is that it has a large capacity to hold multiple decks simultaneously and ...
BowlOfRed's user avatar
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How much do poker rooms pay to use the Bravo waiting list / comp system?

Partial answer. The system cost about 12G a table. I do not know if there are recurring fees for other services.
Jon's user avatar
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Can I top off my stack and add more chips without telling the dealer?

Yes you can. It's like going to the cage for chips, getting chips from a runner or anything else like that. Dealer doesn't need to be involved. There are no rules being broken.
Jon's user avatar
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How does one get comfortable with the honesty of online casinos?

You can measure the improbability of a sequence of events all you want, but you can never 100% be sure that these events are a consequence of tampering with the random number generator. As big as ...
Ultraviolence's user avatar
1 vote

How does one get comfortable with the honesty of online casinos?

Pokerstars (Amaya) is a multi- billion dollar company. They have licenses in different countries to operate in them. They will soon have over 200 billion! hands played on their site. It's all about ...
Julian.K's user avatar

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