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Best hand versus AA

I exhaustively simulated (every possibility is run) AA vs any pocket pair and AA vs any suited connector. Firstly let's cover the pocket pairs: Obviously it is best for the under-pair to have ...
Raymond's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a calculator that shows what my "potential" odds are?

If you have an android phone you can download "Poker calculator", logo is a clover as you can see topleft. It is a great app. It supports hold 'em but also 4 and 5 card omaha high and omaha high/low....
Raymond's user avatar
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4 votes

What's wrong with my equity calculation?

At first, I thought, OK, lets quickly answer this, returning the favor. But it turned out to be a rather tricky one! One online calculator gives 48.18%, the other 48.28%, off by 0.1%, already very ...
old123987's user avatar
3 votes

Number of combinations for 5 from 52 cards neglecting suit

quads: 13 * 12 = 156 full houses: 13 * 12 = 156 trips: 13 * 12 * 11 / 2 = 858 two pairs: 13 * 12 * 11 / 2 = 858 single pair: 13 * 12 * 11 * 10 / 6 = 2860 5 different cards: 13 * 12 * 11 * 10 * 9 /...
azimut's user avatar
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3 votes

You have AA in the BB. The BU opens to 3.5x. What is your line?

The standard line would be to re-raise to what ever your defend re-raise is. Depending on how often the BU raises you should be defending with a re-raise a decent range. If you defend with 88+ and ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there statistically any combination worse than 2 7 offsuit for preflop Texas Hold'em?

It depends on how many players are in the pot. Using the pre-flop calculator and assuming you only know your own hand, here is a table of the winning odds (calculated at
Greg Schmit's user avatar
2 votes

What's wrong with my equity calculation?

I'm not sure how much it affects your equity calculation, but you are missing where the villain hits Aces full.
Herb's user avatar
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Odds that someone makes or holds a pair on the flop, based on the # of players

If we assume that any player seeing the flop is equally likely to have any possible hand and that we do not take our own specific hand into account, we can provide an answer. Taking the simple case ...
3N1GM4's user avatar
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Best hand versus AA

According to this odds calculator site, the reason 56s is better, is because it loses less against AA. Here are the top 10 hands they list vs. AA: Best Hands Against Pocket Aces in Holdem Rank ...
Herb's user avatar
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Versus random hands

I expect most calculators online just run a subset of all possible boards as a representative sample - for example on ProPokerTools if you run a heads up hand against a random hand you get an ...
3N1GM4's user avatar
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What mathematics should I learn to get better at Poker?

I think that learning about weighted probabilities is very useful to improving your game, especially when reviewing hands and developing an intuition for your true chances of creating a profitable ...
Dr.DrfbagIII's user avatar
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Poker tips backed by facts

These quick tips are all backed by the fundamental math and rules of poker. I would recommend that instead of memorizing facts/tips, it would be more beneficial to gain a thorough understanding of ...
Clarko's user avatar
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Probability of flopping two flushes

there is a about a 25% chance that you get dealt suited cards. (12/51 ~ 23.5% to be exact) given that you already hold 2 suited cards, there is a 4.4% chance that your opponent also get dealt 2 cards ...
Clarko's user avatar
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How to calculate my sample size to establish my real-WR?

The problem I see here is that if you are starting to become a professional player, your skills should be improving, thus I think you should track your performance based on shorter period of time, say ...
Z Gu's user avatar
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How is percentages calculated for specific player?

Probability is a measure of information or certainty--how certain can we be that some event will happen, given our present knowledge? There's no such thing as the "real" probability of an event, only ...
Lee Daniel Crocker's user avatar
1 vote

How is percentages calculated for specific player?

I will try to explain by extreme example. Let's say there are 22 players. there are 44 cards out there. There are only six cards. It will throw off the maths to think outs out of six while facing 22 ...
splendidthoughts's user avatar
1 vote

Poker tips backed by facts

The list can be almost as big as you want, so I'd follow Clarko's advice. Here you have something that extends the "A player with a two pair at flops has a 16.7% chance of getting a full house." tip
David's user avatar
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Calculating my bet size if I know my bluff % to make villain indifferent

I find practically, its better to memorize approximations and adjust from there. You alr know that 33% bluffs require a pot sized bet. As your bluffs tend to 50%, your bet tends to infinity, since ...
sakon's user avatar
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Number of combinations for 5 from 52 cards neglecting suit

My answer is incorrect. It addresses the amount of permutations, not combinations. Ignoring suits makes things actually way easier, not harder. When suits don't matter you basically have thirteen ...
Raymond's user avatar
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Probability of flopping two flushes

This does not include A and K part as I am not sure how to do that. Basically just 7 cards of the same suit. combin(13;7) * 4 / combin(52;7) = 0.00513%
paparazzo's user avatar
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Nash-like table for a full 9 players table?

What you should go all-in with being short stacked is not that simple. There are so many different variables that a chart could only be used as a reference. A quick google "push fold charts 9 max", ...
Raymond's user avatar
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What mathematics should I learn to get better at Poker?

Pot odds Implied odds EV - Expected Value used for making advanced decisions using probability Combinations this is used for probability with multiple cards to come Game theory pretty advanced but ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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You have AA in the BB. The BU opens to 3.5x. What is your line?

I believe my line would be Woohoo! in my best Homer Simpson voice, likely accompanied with a few fist pumps. (Note: This likely works best in online play, where your opponent will not see/hear you.) ...
Confused-cius's user avatar
1 vote

Best hand versus AA

Not a complete answer Yes 56 has more ties and less wins compared to 67 Why there are enough ties to overcome the wins is not so clear win + loss win tie tie/...
paparazzo's user avatar
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Playing mid suited connectors from BB

Everybody is short stacked here which definitely affects how you have to play, if you have >50 BB, I'd say definitely call, at the very least because having the image of being a blind defender is ...
ejLev's user avatar
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Playing mid suited connectors from BB

Not going to accept my own answer so feel free to post. You are out of position but you are closing betting. If betting was still open no way I call. You are looking to flop 2 pair or better. ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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Odds that someone makes or holds a pair on the flop, based on the # of players

Let's just call it 1/3 chance that a player makes a pair on the flop. Change it into an and so you can multiply. The chance of not having a pair is 2/3. So if three saw the flop 1 - (2/3 * 2/3 * 2/3) =...
paparazzo's user avatar
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Is there statistically any combination worse than 2 7 offsuit for preflop Texas Hold'em?

I was just having this conversation with a friend. So I wrote a little program to explore the idea and graphed the data showing when 72o becomes a slightly better hand than 32o. Basically, when the ...
seanbehan's user avatar
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Probability of x pocket pairs at a table of n people (NLHE)?

The calculations probably get out of hand, so that a Monte Carlo estimate would probably be the easiest way to get the answer. One way to approximate the answer is to just assume there is a 1/17 ...
guest geek's user avatar

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