I am a beginner who's learning to play Hold'em Poker by playing fake money games at Pokerstars.
Suppose there are 6 of us and I am at the button. I have QJo. Everyone before me limps. I want to play this hand and also to kick out as many opponents as I can pre-flop. I'm raising 3bb pre-flop (online recommendations). What often happens to me is that many opponents call me in such situation. I suspect their logic (right or not) might be that investing another 2bb to call is not a big deal given that they've already invested 1bb.
I rarely win such hand post-flop, especially if the flop is like T43, opponents call me with hands like Q4, 33, A2, and they now have a pair, trips, a straight draw, etc.
What I tried is to raise more than 3bb pre-flop (e.g. 6bb). That does help to eliminate more opponents but it also seems that I am dumping more money into the pot without having the best hand.
What would be a good strategy to play such hand pre-flop when you are in position?