I've been watching the 2016 WSOP events on youtube. So far, in every event I've watched all players hole cards are shown on every hand. Is this the new standard for WSOP events? Complete information reveal.
I can't figure out how they are doing it.
The cards are revealed to the audience before the players themselves pick up the cards to look, so I don't think a hole cam is being used.
The dealer mucks all of the cards in a pile, so I don't think that
they are going through some kind of card reader post-handThe cards are being shown for every player (except when multiple
players fold very quickly)
I know that there is a broadcast delay, so I think the information on the hole cards must somehow be added after the hand is over. Some kind of RFID chip in the card, or some other electronic or non-visual signal?
As a viewer I love it; it lets be play along with or as a specific player and see every hand as they do, but I wonder what effect this kind of complete information will have on the higher-levels of play.
Take a look at this video: WSOP #39. Around 23:50 Chris Fergerson (the guy with the cowboy hat who has a P.h.D in computer science) is dealt his cards, but he is talking about something related to the blind sizes. He his holding his cards on top of each other, and at 24:05 the dealer says something to him about the cards, but it is hard to make out. He spreads them out and then the TV overlay shows what the cards are. So perhaps it is a hole cam, somewhere along the edge of the table?