I played four person pokerTH game many times on computer but failed to understand following scenarios.I hope understanding these will help me become a better player. Kindly clear my confusions if possible( The four players are SB , BB , Dealer and Player 1) (The formula for Raise appears to be= Previous Bet +Previous Bet – BB but it doesn’t seem to apply to all scenarios below) All scenarios are for the preflop round.
Scenario 1: I am playing Small Blind. I post small blind $10. Big Blind posts $20. Player 1 calls $20. Dealer calls $20. Next I can Fold , Call($10) , or Raise. My question is what should be my minimum raise and why ? (Computer says $30 )
Scenario 2: I am playing Dealer. SB posts $10. BB posts $20 . Player 1 bets $40. Next I can Fold , Call ($40),Raise. My question is what should be my minimum raise and why ? (Computer says $60)
Scenario 3: I am the Player One. SB posts $10.BB posts $20. Next I can Fold ,Call ($20) or Raise. My question is what should be my minimum raise and why ? (Computer says $40)
Scenario 4: I am playing Big Blind. SB posts $10. I play $20. Player 1 folds. Dealer calls $20. SB bets $30. Next I get the option to Fold , Call ($20) or Raise. My question is what should be my minimum raise and why ?(Computer says $40)
There are other posts explaining raise and re-raise but I could not understand them because examples were missing. Please solve the above examples. I am quite new to the game.