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5 votes

Can a player win an ante higher than his all-in bet?

This is an expert opinion and not expert answer. While were I am at we have been doing the blind ante in larger NLH games and NLH tournaments this question has not come up with me anyway. Yes the all ...
Jon's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the Big Blind Ante?

So for those who want to know the background behind the logic behind this decision, a lot of players don't pay attention to what's going on, and are in constant need of reminding that they need to pay ...
Grinch91's user avatar
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2 votes

Can a player win an ante higher than his all-in bet?

My opinion as a long-time floorman and tournament director: It depends on how the ante is paid. If each player has to ante 600, and he has only 100 at that point, then the main pot that he can win is ...
Lee Daniel Crocker's user avatar
2 votes

What happens to the small blind ante?

Your description is unclear, but I assume you mean that both blinds are posted complete, the third player (acting first) goes all in for $1000, and the small blind folds. In this case, the main pot is ...
Lee Daniel Crocker's user avatar
1 vote

Are antes (or other dead money) counted toward the rake?

That's totally up to the casino and any applicable local laws. Generally speaking, yes, dead money counts, but uncalled bets do not. Many casinos have a minimum rake (maybe even zero) in the case of ...
Lee Daniel Crocker's user avatar
1 vote

Online Software Tournament Test Case

Treat the antes like a bet. And/or always set up a side pot whenever a player hits zero chips even if the side pot is zero. Looks like what is going on is that there was no side pot at this point and ...
Jon's user avatar
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1 vote

Tournament Ante Deduction Player All In

The situation you have described should not be possible in your software, every hand will always have a winner if cards are dealt. In the situation you have described where every player folds/times ...
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